A magic week of Kentucky music, in the mountains of east Kentucky.
12th Annual Cowan Creek Mountain Music School
June 24-28, 2013
Courses in banjo, fiddle, beginning and lead guitar, mandolin, mountain dulcimer, harmony singing, old time string band and Kids on the Creek, an arts and music class for kids ages 5 to 10 led by Erin Stidham and Amanda Wells.
With faculty: Bruce Greene, Jimmy McCown, Jamie Wells, John Harrod, Sarah Howard Montgomery Betty Vornbrock, John Haywood, Jesse Wells, Ron Howard, Randy Wilson, Karly Dawn Higgins, Sarah Wood, Carla Gover, Don Rogers and Roy Tackett, Don Pedi and Rich Kirby.
Guest master artists: Ginny Hawker & Tracy Schwarz, the Kentucky Clodhoppers and master-in-residence Roger Cooper.
In the afternoon, students can join in jam sessions for all levels and workshops in clogging, field recording, songwriting, a ballad swap and much more. Each evening faculty, students, friends and neighbors will gather for a square dance or faculty concert.
The school is held at the Cowan Elementary School and the Cowan Community Center near Whitesburg in Letcher County, Kentucky. Instrument classes are open to kids age 11 and older and adults. Tuition is $200 for Kentucky residents and $250 for out-of-state students. Tuition for Kids on the Creek is $100. Youth scholarships are available, as are work study positions (email arobertsgevalt @ gmail.com for more information).
REGISTER online at www.cowancreekmusic.org or request a brochure at cowancreekmusic @ tvscable.com or call (606) 633-3187 .
“Even if you can’t attend you owe it to yourself to check out their website and information. Such beautiful music and so worthwhile too.” David Slone
The Cowan Creek Mountain Music School is produced by the Cowan Community Action Group, Inc. with support from Appalshop, the Letcher County Board of Education and The Letcher County Tourism Council.
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The 12th Annual Cowan Creek Mountain Music School, June 24-28