This is the second trailer for the upcoming documentary film “Last of the Breed: The Dave Evans Story.” Dave Evans is a legendary bluegrass singer, songwriter and banjo player. This documentary tells his true life story of music, redemption, justice, family, and freedom.

 Seen #1? Last of the Breed: The Dave Evans Story Trailer 1

The exploration of bluegrass history and culture is not simply a study in music. Bluegrass is a way of life and a reflection of a specific breed of American culture. Appalachian songs of tragedy, violence, jealousy, poverty, migration, and misfortune not only act as a form of artistic release from the grim realities of a coal mining culture, but a preservation of a specific American lifestyle. Dave Evans dedicated his life to protecting the authenticity of bluegrass by singing about the emotional complexities and tragic stories that he witnessed growing up in the south during the aftermath of the great depression. Dave Evans speaks for an entire generation of exiled Appalachian immigrants.

We are presently raising the finishing funds for this non profit 501(c)3 film. To learn more or make a donation please visit





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