Sunday December 4, 2010 starting at 7:30 pm at the US 23 Country Music Museum in Paintsville, Kentucky
The Tommy Webb Band
Melvin Goins and Windy Mountain
Backwoods Drive
Bryan Goins and River Road
Coaltown Dixie
5 Miles From Nowhere
Lester Green and Steppin’ Out on Faith
Ole Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus will also be appearing so you better be good for goodness sake!
Make plans to come out to the US 23 Country Music Museum in Paintsville, Kentucky on December 4th to enjoy some great music and to help support a good cause. You know that ten bucks is a really low price for all these cool groups!
Admission will be $10.00 or 1 new and unwrapped toy. All proceeds from this event will go to help the children of needy families in Johnson County have a better Christmas
Concessions will be available.
If you need more info call 606-297-5800 or 606-367-1056
The US 23 Country Music Museum in Paintsville is home to a weekly program called Front Porch Pickin’ which features local musicians. More about Front Porch Pickin